Blue Wellness

Individualized Blue Wellness journeys for longevity travel

Our Blue Wellness program at Nantipa integrates the concepts of Blue Areas and Blue Mind to explore the natural advantages of our location on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast. As part of one of the world’s five Blue Areas, our community promotes daily practices linked to longevity and health. This includes aspects like diet, exercise, social connections, and environmental respect.

Additionally, we delve into the therapeutic effects of water through blue mind theory, which highlights the benefits of being in and around water for relaxation, recreation, and overall well-being.

By combining these elements, our Individualized Blue Wellness journeys aim to provide guests with a head start on their wellness journey. During your stay, you can choose to passively absorb these benefits or take a more proactive approach with a tailored package. Start your journey here and take these learnings home with you afterward.

Suggested Nantipa Blue Wellness Experience package:

Immersion in water can mean anything from a shower or bath to a dip in a river, pool or the sea. When we are submerged in water we can float and experience a sense of weightlessness, while surrounded by pressure that creates a soothing hug-like feeling. Water also has 600 times the resistance of air which is what makes it one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise. The combination of thought, coordination and aerobic exercise that takes place when we are swimming has been said to provide ‘cognitive reserve’, that’s the mind’s resilience to damage to the brain.

Santa Teresa offers surfing for all abilities, and it is said that surfers probably exhibit more Blue Mind than anyone due to their ability to read and revel in the waves. All the feel-good transmitters – adrenaline, dopamine and endorphins – experience a rush when you catch a wave, and when it is over you head back out and do it all over again. The magic is that this rush can be as powerful for beginners as it is for pros.

Fishing is innately calming. The rocking motion as you drift along in a boat, watching the water and waiting for something to happen is like a hypnotic trance away from the hustle of daily life – there is a reason why so many people enjoy it even if they do not catch anything! The benefits of fishing center around enjoying the natural setting, slowing down and practicing patience and quietude, interspersed with the excitement of a catch!

Exploring by boat brings a feeling of freedom where you can get lost in time. It also brings an element of teamwork, trust and shared adventure. And if you’re just cruising for pleasure there’s nothing more powerful, grounding or uplifting than getting lost in a waterborne sunset.

Taking part in water-based conservation projects not only benefits the natural world but also taps into the deep connection between humans, nature and water. Understanding the benefits of being by the water is a powerful argument for keeping our waters clean, healthy and free as we embrace its healing powers for all manner of mental and physical issues.

The continuous motion of water creates a controlled and restful environment proving that water sounds don’t need to be muted to be relaxing. Cascading water creates a sense of magic that captures the light and mesmerizes us and at the Montezuma falls you have the added bonus of being able to swim in the pool below to get all those immersion benefits too!

Activate your Blue Mind with us!

Being by water is known to make us happy, reduce stress and bring a sense of peace which is why so many of us proactively seek it out for vacations. But how does it make us healthier? Water’s effects on our senses give our brains a bit of a spring clean, clearing out the cobwebs created by fatigue, stress and overstimulation to help it get back to a more creative state.

How’s this for starters?

We help you create your perfect plan to activate your blue mind!