REDUCTION OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC - Nantipa - Santa Teresa Costa Rica, Nicoya Peninsula Skip to content


Discover how Nantipa Hotel is taking action to reduce single-use plastic and promote sustainable practices. From glass water pitchers to beach cleanups, we’re committed to preserving our natural environment.

Nantipa Hotel is committed to reducing the use of single-use plastic to help protect the environment. We offer fresh water in glass pitchers in the bungalows and suites, eliminating the need for water in plastic bottles. We also avoid using plastic straws whenever possible, and provide biodegradable or stainless-steel options when straws are necessary.  All packaged beverages served in Manzu are in glass containers or cans.  In addition, our take-out meals are packaged in biodegradable materials, further reducing the use of plastic.

To encourage beach cleanup efforts, we have set up a beach cleanup station in front of our restaurant, Manzú. Guests can grab a bucket and collect ocean plastics while enjoying a beautiful day at the beach.  This is a great way to learn about the effect of plastic in ocean life, and how marine life consumes microplastic that is moved by currents all around the planet.  As a thank you for their efforts, we offer them a fresh smoothie.

We are also proud to collaborate with the local non-profit organization 5 Minute Beach Cleanup, which is dedicated to keeping our beaches clean and free of litter. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on our environment.

Furthermore, all recycling is sent to the Nicoya Waterkeepers processing plant. The Nicoya Waterkeepers is a local organization dedicated to protecting the Nicoya Peninsula’s water resources through advocacy, education, and grassroots organizing. By sending our waste to their processing plant, we’re supporting their efforts to keep our local environment clean and healthy. We believe that small actions can have a big impact and we are committed to doing our part to protect our planet.